Services Offered to Individuals and Groups

Apply psychotherapy and the latest behavioral techniques to address problems such as depression, anxiety, phobias, anger management, and stress related medical problems.

Learn the latest Assertiveness and Anger Management techniques to effectively resolve differences and ask for what you want in personal relationships, as well as in business settings.

Using state-of–the art biofeedback techniques to relieve “fight or flight” tension which contributes to many medical, work, and anxiety disorders. Biofeedback equipment gives the patient information about some physiological functions (e.g. Muscle tension, peripheral circulation, sweat gland activity, heart rate, etc.) on a moment to moment basis which enhances Mind-Body control and Mindfulness skills.

A major health, work, or anxiety problem affects family dynamics and personal relationships. It’s often important to include significant others in your life when trying to resolve these issues. Family therapy allows each member to voice their issues in a neutral environment.

Apply an effective combination of psychotherapy and biofeedback to help resolve anxiety and depression which ruins relationships, work performance, and the pursuit of important life goals and hobbies.

Create and Implement programs in hospitals, clinics and organizations that treat stress and stress related medical problems such as Cardiac Disorders, Chronic Pain, Insomnia, Neurological issues and Substance Abuse. 

Programs Developed for Clinics, Hospitals and Organizations

  • Interdisciplinary hospital based Chronic Pain programs
  • Biofeedback/Stress Mgt programs treating patients/employees suffering with cardiac, G.I., and/or neurological problems
  • Drug & Alcohol Rehabilitation
  • Cognitive Skills (brain) Training
  • Attention Deficit (ADD) Treatment
  • Group Homes for abused boys (age 7-14) suffering from depression, anxiety, ADD, and oppositional defiant disorders who were removed from their home by California mential health and childcare agencies.
  • Nonprofit Community Clinic for children and their families
  • Nonpublic School for Depressed and/or Oppositional Defiant Children
  • Nonprofit Community Clinic for children and their families